Dino Hunter

Rating: All Ages

A new series hosted by Emmy award winning host, Jeremy McLaughlin. This new series explores the mysteries of dinosaurs, how they fit into the Biblical record, how the Flood greatly impacted their future, evidence of dinosaurs after the Flood, as well as presenting evidence to confront claims by secular paleontologists that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Jeremy will travel the world to explore dinosaur sites and interview the experts in paleontology who hold to a biblical worldview.

Ep. 1 - Discovering Dinosaur Soft Tissue

Scientist Mark Armitage shares how dinosaur soft tissue was first discovered by Mary Schweitzer and Dr. Jack Horner in the Hell Creek Formation of Montana. Mark shares how he followed Mary’s research and discovered more soft tissue in a triceratops horn, showing how soft tissue is plentiful and cannot last for millions of years. He shows how the Global Flood only a few thousand years ago is the answer for soft dinosaur tissue and why evolutionists are without answers for their long ages worldview.

Awesome Science Media


Dino Hunter Episodes

Ep. 1 - Discovering Dinosaur Soft Tissue
Awesome Science Media
Ep. 1 - Discovering Dinosaur Soft Tissue

Ep. 2 - Digging for Dinosaur Soft Tissue
Awesome Science Media
Ep. 2 - Digging for Dinosaur Soft Tissue

Ep. 3 - High Tech Dinosaur Digging
Awesome Science Media
Ep. 3 - High Tech Dinosaur Digging

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